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The recently gazetted Investment Business (Registers) Regulations, 2014 has updated the information available from a search of the Register of Investment Business Licensees, Certified Authorised Representatives and Approved Investment Managers as granted under the Securities and...


Tortola, British Virgin islands - 10 December, 2010 - The Birtish Virgin islands financial Services Commission (the "FSC") wishes to inform all licensees, regulated persons and the public of its intention to commence publication of the details of enforcement action taken by the Commission with...


The British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") issues this public statement pursuant to Section 37A (4) of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2001, in order to inform and to protect the property of, or in the custody, possession or control of the licensee, or to...


Meet The Regulator (December 2009) - (Bearer Share Regime) - Kenneth Baker


Tortola, British Virgin Islands – 30 January, 2018 – All Registered Agents and other VIRRGIN users, please be reminded that on 1 February, 2018 the Commission will resume the usual user policies and enforce the VIRRGIN user agreement.
