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Enforcement Action

Action Datesort descending Enforcement Action Licensee or Regulated Person
09/27/2013 - 00:00 Administrative Penalty $2,000.00 Abacus Trust and Management Services Limited
09/30/2013 - 00:00 Warning Letter MPT Asset Management Corp.
09/30/2013 - 00:00 Warning Letter Dolphin Capital Partners Limited
10/04/2013 - 00:00 Revocation of License Moorgate Insurance Company Limited
10/04/2013 - 00:00 Warning Letter Asialink Trust Limited
10/14/2013 - 00:00 Administrative Penalty $205,500.00 Portcullis TrustNet (BVI) Limited
10/14/2013 - 00:00 Administrative Penalty $2,500.00 Portcullis TrustNet (BVI) Limited
10/25/2013 - 00:00 Lifting of Directive Collection of Modern Art Inc
11/10/2013 - 00:00 Lifting of Directive National Bank of the Virgin Islands Limited
11/12/2013 - 00:00 Appointment of Examiner AAUG Insurance Co. Ltd.
11/12/2013 - 00:00 Administrative Penalty $1,000.00 Crater Assurance Ltd.
11/12/2013 - 00:00 Administrative Penalty $37,500.00 Mossack Fonseca & Co. (BVI) Ltd.
11/15/2013 - 00:00 Administrative Penalty $10,000.00 Alfa Forex Ltd.
11/27/2013 - 00:00 Warning Letter Mark Ian Sorby Chapman (Insolvency Practitioner)
12/03/2013 - 00:00 Cease and Desist Order Kent Capital Partners Limited
